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Lakes Loop Tour
Discover our Passion for Nature in the Garden Route.




A morning birding tour between Sedgefield and Wilderness to locations including wetland, forest and pastures.We start off with stops at the Rondevlei and Langvlei bird hides and then visit riverine forest and mature Afro-montane Forest. The tour is ideal for beginners, photographers and fanatic birders.


Vleis and Wetland

We start off at the Rondevlei Bird Hide for waders, waterfowl, warblers and Kingfishers followed by a brief stop at the culvit between Rondevlei and Langvlei before heading to the Malachite Hide.

A number of logs and poles have been planted in the shallow water in front of the Langvlei hide which are popular roosts for Cormorants, Spoonbills and Darters to sun them selves.

Both Pied and Malachite Kingfishers are regular visitors to the roosts and the flanking reed bed.



After the Malachite Hide we head to to the Brownhooded Kingfisher Trail for some riverine forests species.

Knysna Turaco, Grey Cuckooshrike and Knysna Warbler are easily heard along the Trail, but it requires patience to see them.

Afterwards we drive to the Woodville Big Tree for mature Afro-monyane Forest birding.

Yellow-throated Woodland and Knysna Warbler, Cuckoos in summer, Narina Trogon and Black-headed Oriole are frequently ticked at this site.


Pastures and Hedgerows

The road verges between sites offers good birding and the agriculturl pastures present the chance to see Denham's Bustard, Black-winged Lapwing, pipits and larks.


Logistics :

Start time - season dependent, we start as colose to sunrise as possible.

Duration - we finish the tour between 11h30 and 12h00.

Cost : Base rate of R960.00 for the first two guests, R450.00/person for additional guests.

Transport : groups of 4 or less can ride with guide. Larger groups drive in their own vehicle to sites.


Reservations :
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